Health Risk Assessment
Research Program Director (Georgia Tech):
Dr. Mustafa M. Aral
Project Director (ATSDR): Dr.
Allen S. Susten, Dr Ton Sinks
Technical Project Officer (ATSDR): Mr.
Morris L. Maslia
Development Team:
Software Development:Dr. Jiabao Guan.
Software Testing: Mr. Morris Maslia.
Technical Support:
Mustafa M. Aral.
The Reference Book:
by Mustafa M. ARAL,
Published by Springer Publishers (ISBN: 978-90-481-8607-5) is now in print and can be purchased through all book stores.
The above referenced book is the primary source for the ACTS/RISK software you are about to download.
When installing the RISK software on
MS Windows VISTA and MS Windows 7 platforms
compatibility issues can be resolved following the procedure below.
1. Extract RISK setup files into a folder on your computer.
2. Right-click setup.exe and select "Troubleshoot compatibility" option from the list.
3. Select "Try recommended settings." option It will detect Windows XP SP 2 as the appropriate settings for the RISK install.
4. Click "Start the program"
5. Click OK to pop up questions that may appear.
The software should install with no errors.
The RISK software you are downloading is compatible with the Windows XP or any earlier MS WINDOWS operating platform.
The above recommended procedure is not necessary when installing on these platforms.
Contact Information:
Dr. Mustafa M. Aral
Multimedia Environmental Simulation Laboratory
School of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0355
Bus. Phone:(404) 894-2243
Fax Phone:(404) 894-5111
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